Casa di Colombo

Importance historique

La maison de Colomb est un symbole de fierté pour la ville de Gênes et pour toute l'Italie. Bien que l'histoire exacte de la maison fasse encore l'objet de recherches et de débats, de nombreux historiens s'accordent à dire que Colomb aurait pu y résider entre 1451 et 1476. Le bâtiment a été reconstruit au XVIIIe siècle et a depuis subi plusieurs restaurations, dont la dernière a été réalisé en 2001.

Caractéristiques architecturales

La maison est un exemple typique de l'architecture urbaine médiévale de Gênes. Il s'agit d'un bâtiment de deux étages avec des murs en pierre et des poutres en bois qui, malgré sa taille modeste, se distingue parmi les bâtiments plus récents environnants. À l'intérieur de la maison se trouve un musée présentant des expositions sur la vie de Colomb, ses voyages et ses liens avec Gênes.

Importance culturelle

La Maison Columbus n'est pas seulement une attraction touristique, mais aussi un lieu qui permet aux visiteurs de se plonger dans l'ère de la Grande Découverte. Le musée expose des cartes, des instruments de navigation et des objets personnels ayant pu appartenir à Colomb ou à ses contemporains. Une visite à ce lieu offre une occasion unique d'en apprendre davantage sur la façon dont vivaient les habitants de Gênes et sur ce qu'ils faisaient à l'époque.

Importance pour les visiteurs

Columbus House est ouverte au public toute l'année. Le site attire des groupes scolaires, des historiens, des touristes et toute personne intéressée par l'histoire maritime ou le patrimoine italien. Les visites peuvent être à votre rythme ou guidées, ce qui rend la visite plus informative et mémorable.

Piazza della Vittoria

5 minutes

To the place

Piazza della Vittoria (Victory Square) in Genoa is one of the city's most important squares, reflecting the rich history and cultural diversity of this harbour city. Located in the centre of Genoa, the square serves as an important transport hub and a popular gathering place for locals and tourists alike.

Via XX Settembre : la via dello shopping

5 minutes

To the place

Via XX Settembre in Genoa is one of the city's most significant and picturesque streets, combining historical heritage and modern life. This wide avenue running through the heart of Genoa is known for its elegant shops, cafes, restaurants and impressive architectural monuments.

Piazza De Ferrari: la piazza simbolo della città

5 minutes

To the place

Piazza De Ferrari is the heart of Genoa, the most important symbol of the city, where history, culture and modern life intersect. This famous square is known for its magnificent fountain, surrounded by impressive buildings that showcase the architectural diversity and richness of Genoa.

La cattedrale di San Lorenzo

5 minutes

To the place

La Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, the majestic cathedral dedicated to St Lawrence, is one of Genoa's most significant religious landmarks and a key point for understanding the historical and cultural heritage of the city. Located in the heart of the historic centre, this cathedral attracts pilgrims and tourists alike with its unique architecture, art and history.

Via Garibaldi, Patrimonio dell’umanità

5 minutes

To the place

Via Garibaldi, also known as Strada Nuova, is one of the most famous streets in Genoa and is considered a true architectural treasure, deservedly included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This street is a magnificent example of Renaissance urban planning and dominates the historic centre of Genoa with its grand palaces, which in the past belonged to the city's most powerful and influential families.

Il Porto Antico

5 minutes

To the place

Il Porto Antico di Genova, or the Old Port of Genoa, is one of the most charming and picturesque places in the city, combining historical heritage with modern leisure and culture. This area of the port, transformed for the famous Columbus Festival in 1992 by the famous architect Renzo Piano, has become the centre of city life and attracts tourists from all over the world.

Rolli Days

5 minutes

To the place

Rolli Days is a unique event in Genoa that allows the public to experience the city's rich historical and cultural heritage through exclusive access to the famous Renaissance and Baroque palaces known as Palazzi dei Rolli. These palaces, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, were part of the innovative hospitality system of the 16th and 17th centuries, when the city's most splendid residences were available to host the state's dignitaries. Rolli Days presents a rare opportunity to see the courtyards, gardens and ornate interiors that are usually closed to the public.